View Your Financial Aid Information

  1. Sign in to myFSU and go to Student Central
  2. Click on the My Financial Aid box
  3. You are now on your Award Summary page. All of your financial aid awards are listed here. To ensure you are viewing your financial aid package for the current aid year, please verify that the aid year displayed in the top left corner is correct. If not you may click the Change button and switch to the correct aid year.
  4. To accept or decline your awards, click on the Accept/Decline option on the Left Side Menu
  5. On the Accept/Decline page, you can choose to accept or decline each award you have received. To change the status of your award, click on the pencil shaped Edit icon
  6. Now click on the box under Award decision for the award of which you would like the status changed 
  7. To change the status of all of your awards at once you can click the Actions button
  8. Once you have selected the option you want, click the Submit button and you will be prompted to confirm your choice. Select Yes and the changes will take effect.
Legacy Sort
Legacy Priority